Category Archives: Blog

Heroin Addiction in Young Adults: How to spot the signs and dangers

a man looking down to side

Heroin use among young adults The increase in heroin among young adults has become increasingly concerning. Heroin is an extremely dangerous drug and is responsible for many deaths among young people. Learn what you can do to spot the signs of heroin addiction and the next steps to take that could literally save a young […]

Equine Assisted Psychotherapy at Benchmark Transitions

a white horse in a pen

Equine Assisted Psychotherapy allows client to process and heal deep rooted issues through Experiential and Gestalt therapy methodologies.   With this form of mental health/addiction treatment, the horse is an active part of the client’s treatment team! For other kinds of addiction treatments, you can contact inpatient rehab center, for timely treatments. Horses are known for […]

Substance abuse in the elderly

Substance abuse in the elderly is a growing public health concern and a timely topic for geriatric clinicians. Since drugs may have severe effects on elderly tissue (metabolic derangements, decreased organ reserve) and multiple medical comorbidities occur later in aging individuals compared to younger populations there is a growing concern about the elderly population’s increased […]